Buzzy has a really bad habit of picking on the Poopy Crew. I think she does it because she gets a kick out of hearing them yip. I personally don’t find it as amusing. My guess is that she suffers from a sense of entitlement being the great granddaughter of the Godfeather himself.
This morning after a stint in the corral with the Poopy Crew, I let her out. She followed me to the kitchen where I went back to washing dishes. I looked down at her and asked her, Buzzy why do you have to be such a bitch. She looked up and cocked her head at me with apparent curiosity. Justin standing beside me added commentary in a Buzzy voice. “Momma, what does bitch mean? Is that slang for Awesome?”
Without missing a beat I told her yes Buzzy, it stands for
She seemed satisfied with my answer and went back to emptying all of the cats food out of his dish onto the kitchen floor…