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Chickens…Not the Ideal Pet for Everyone

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This page is dedicated to all the reasons why having a house chicken is not as glamorous as it seems…



  1. House chickens and house plants are mutually exclusive.
You can try putting house plants out of reach, but in the end, they are all just potted salad bars to chickens. Lacey found an interesting use for this one…
and then Lacey takes another crack at the potted plant…

 Billieindip  2. You can not leave food out while you are entertaining. No matter how you slice it, chickens are like 2 year olds, they are into everything. If you tell them they can’t have somethings, they will just help themselves. Billie demonstrates this perfectly while simultaneously endorsing my Jalapeno Popper Dip
 Billieonstairs 3. Stairs are not a deterrent and they will not contain a pet chicken to an area of your home.  Incidentally, neither will hand railings, baby gates or strategically placed furniture. Billie demonstrates…
 Billieindishwasher  4. Hens will go to a great deal of time and effort to find the PERFECT spot to lay an egg. Unfortunately they will not respect any part of your home in order to accomplish this process. Watch the proof.
 Susieingroceries  5. House chickens assume that their status in the household is equal to you. They go where they please, do what they please and they WILL help themselves to your groceries before you can get them put away.
 Susie  6. Chickens will not respect your privacy. They are naturally curious and want to be involved in everything you do even if you don’t really want them to. Susie the Rooster does not believe that I have the ability to use the restroom without his assistance. If I close the door, he WILL bang on it until I open it. Don’t believe me? Here’s the proof…
 Pantry Broody Hen 7. Simply put…once they have violated every inch of your house looking for the perfect spot to make a nest, hens will disappear. Hide and Seek may have been fun as a kid, but trying to find a 14 ounce hen in several thousand square feet of house will make you long for the old days. And while Farm Fresh Eggs are all the rage right now, there may be a limit to how “fresh” you want them to be.
 Snapshot 2 (12-7-2015 3-21 PM) (2) 8. Once their position as a house chicken is firmly established, mere fountain waterers will no longer be acceptable to their delicate sensibilities. Expect that they will demand that their night cap be in a crystal goblet. And you will give it to them if you don’t want floaties in your own glass, because even the prissiest of chickens…still backwash. (insert ewwwww).


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