Let me start off by saying that I have had chickens for 20 years. I am familiar with most of the odd behaviors that they exhibit, from hens crowing to roosters binge drinking, I think I have probably seen it all. But I am new to Peafowl, so when Big Bird adopted us this year, we of course felt compelled to get him a girlfriend for those chilly winter evenings. The Peahen that I spent more than a few dollars on to say the least is named Priya. She is an India Blue Peahen, so an Indian name sounded befitting. She is a beautiful girls and when we introduced her to Big Bird, they became friends almost instantly. They are currently in a quarantine cage awaiting their winter home and will be built a suitable habitat in the spring. Money and time just did not permit this year. So all is well right? I looked out the kitchen window this morning and saw some very troubling behavior. Priya was displaying!! The first course of action, obviously, was to grab the video camera. She let me walk out to the run and even open the door and go inside. It didn’t seem to phase her. “Oh crap”, I thought, she’s not a hen after all…”Now what am I going to do?” Well, after several minutes of watching and taping this behavior, I decided to look it up on line and sure enough the hens do display. So, check out Priya doing her thing this morning, it’s something to see…lol